(II) CCI Findings
Relevant market and dominance
(a) market for OTT messaging apps through smartphones in India (“OTT Messaging Market”); and
(b) market for online display advertising in India (“Display Advertising Market”).
Abusive conduct
(a) The 2021 Update was imposed upon WhatsApp users in an unfair manner:
(i) The ‘take it or leave it’ policy forced users to accept the pre-condition of expansive data collection and sharing with Meta in order to continue using WhatsApp’s services. Unlike the earlier update (introduced in 2016), there was no ability to opt out of the data sharing mechanism which renders the conditions one-sided and exploitative. The policy effectively reduces the level of privacy accorded to users, thus diminishing consumer welfare. Further, the data sharing policy consolidates Meta’s market power by allowing it to access more user data, creating a competitive disadvantage for its competitors in the Display Advertising Market.
(ii) The nature of data sought to be collected under the 2021 Update, such as through cookies, location information, device information, etc., is disproportionate and not essential to provide the OTT messaging services. This indicates that the user data is being leveraged for commercial purposes unrelated to the services provided by WhatsApp. Further, the use of vague, broad and open-ended language creates uncertainty regarding the specific categories of information being collected and shared; this also suggests that WhatsApp retains flexibility to expand the scope of data collection at any time.
(b) Meta denied market access and leveraged its position in the market to protect its market position in the Display Advertising Market:
(i) The extensive data obtained through WhatsApp was shared across Meta’s platforms, enabling it to strengthen its position in the Display Advertising Market and the overall digital ecosystem. The smaller players in both the OTT Messaging Market and Display Advertising Market faced high entry barriers without access to such data thereby resulting in denial of market access for Meta’s competitors.
(ii) The dominance of WhatsApp in the OTT Messaging Market and Meta’s access to significant user data created a ‘lock-in’ effect where users and advertisers are drawn deeper into Meta’s ecosystem. Meta also employed a strategy where user data is bundled across services via privacy policies that allow data sharing across markets. This cannot be replicated by its competitors who lack the same breadth of services or the same level of user engagement. Accordingly, Meta leveraged its dominance in the OTT Messaging Market to entrench and consolidate its market position in the Display Advertising Market.
(a) No sharing of WhatsApp user data with Meta or other Meta Company Products for advertising purposes for five years;
(b) Sharing of WhatsApp user data with Meta or other Meta Company Products for purposes other than advertising is permitted but subject to:
(i) WhatsApp clearly explaining the type of data shared with other Meta companies, linking each data type with its specific purpose;
(ii) No obligation being imposed upon users to share their data for any purpose other than providing WhatsApp services. Further, providing users with the choice to manage the nature of data shared and opt out of such data sharing altogether.
Challenge before NCLAT & Interim Stay
III. Key takeaways
Related Link(s):
The final order of the CCI and the interim order of the Tribunal can be accessed here (https://www.cci.gov.in/antitrust/orders/details/1156/0) and here (https://efiling.nclat.gov.in/nclat/order_view.php?path=L05DTEFUX0RvY3VtZW50cy9DSVNfRG9jdW1lbnRzL2Nhc2Vkb2Mvb3JkZXJzL0RFTEhJLzIwMjUtMDEtMjMvY291cnRzLzEvZGFpbHkvMTczNzYyMTM3NjU0NDc0NzU3Njc5MWZmODA5MTFhNS5wZGY=) respectively.
Authors – Sonam Mathur – Partner; Dhruv Dikshit- Managing Associate and Devika Dhawan – Associate
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